Feature Friday – Reneo

Hey loves!

I know, I know! This installment is late, but believe me it’s worth the wait. Today’s feature is the stunning Reneo. I’ve been so excited to write this Friday Feature! She big chopped and I’m amazed at how fast her hair grew out.

Her hair in September:





And now after 4 months of growth and her first time using heat:


Her hair is beautiful! It’s thick and curly and grows quick (lucky lady). No pills or anything. This also serves as a lesson; LESS IS ALWAYS MORE. This Friday feature is extra special because not only did she take time out to explain what exactly she uses for her hair;

V05 Moisture Milks, Strawberries and Cream shampoo and conditioner and Coconut Hair Oil image

But she’s 100% willing to keep us updated on hers and her baby’s natural hair journey.


Watch out for future posts featuring Reneo. Sorry for the late post💜

Peace and love,


Feature Friday – Chishiba

Hey loves, I know it’s a Saturday but I have this late post and one more before feature friday is done for the week.

She’s the co-founder of the Black Afro Hair brand and she’s my bae. I often joke about wishing I had luscious good hair like she does. She’s been narural since forever, never had a relaxer and her dedication has paid off. Her hair is the type to make you wanna go back to the drawing board with yours lol. Here she is with a bantu knot out.



Chishiba your hair is beautiful because it embodies the purpose of our blog. When we first started out, we set out to embrace our natural hair and make this blog a testimony of our love for the ‘fro. Your hair journey inspires me and many others; as it should. I love you babe. (and I hate you for how much more stunning your is than mine, lol).

Thank you guys once again for your support.

Peace and love,


Feature Friday – Masedi

My baby sister, Masedi, is such a glamorous human being. She’s a model who recently graduated high school, an aspiring law student and a total babe.




Her hair is beautiful by virtue of the fact that she big chopped and rocked her ‘fro like the diva that she is.

Next feature is the other face behind this blog. Stay tuned.

Peace and Love,


Know Your Hair Type and Curl Pattern

If you’re new, welcome. If you haven’t already, please take time to familiarize yourself with my old posts about the science of hair and the general overview/structure of the blog.

In the Hair Growth and Maintenance – OVERVIEW post from last year, you notice that I listed a group of internal and external factors that might contribute to your hair growth and maintenance. Here I expand on the first point under internal issues, which is genetics.

Different people have varying hair types and curl patterns, we have genetics to thank for that. While knowing your hairtype isn’t a 100% solution to understanding your natural hair, it sure is a good start point. Knowing your hair type will enable you to figure out what might and might not work when it comes to taking care and styling your hair. Below are two handy charts that could give you an idea as to what hair type and curl pattern you have. The Hair types range from 1A (straight) to 4C (coily) and curl patterns from pin straight to wavy and then curly and then coily.

TIP: The best way to tell what curl pattern you have is to wash your hair and let it air dry without any product.




And yes it is possible to have different hair types and curl patterns in one head. I’m most probably a 4b/4c, what about you?

Until next time.

Peace and love,


Feature Friday – Toni Canham

She’s a hilarious friend with a huge heart, a model, an honors in Psych graduand, an absolute beauty inside and out, with a delicious mind (check out her blog here) and she has a headful of natural afro.


Toni’s natural hair is beautiful because she rocks it with such elegance and confidence, it fits her and her personality so well. It just works. I absolutely love it.


Come back for other Friday features and more…

Peace and love


Officially Back

I’m back. New content to get the ball rolling.

As usual I have a lot of info for you guys but I’ll kick the reopening with feature Fridays. If you wanna get featured on the blog, don’t be shy. Come on by. My first set of features are ladies that have blogs on here. Stay tuned for Feature Friday.

Peace and love,


Hair Growth and Maintenance – OVERVIEW

Hey guys, last week I finally wrapped up the ‘Science of Hair’ series. In this article, I make attempts to demonstrate how I organise my thoughts around ‘Hair Growth and Maintenance’. I have spent the last couple of months researching this broad topic and maybe just like me, you guys often get confused because of the amount of conflicting information out there. In the beginning I had no intention of creating this blog. But I soon realised that blogging about it is probably the best way to learn. This will only serve as a general overview for now. Details will come in future articles.

Let me begin by pointing out that factors that affect hair growth and maintenance are both INTERNAL and EXTERNAL.


GENETICS: How appropriate that genetics come first on the list considering that genes map the way we look and how our bodies function. Our hair types, growth cycles and hair loss (such as balding patterns with age) are among many diverse genetic functions.

HORMONES: A lot of research has been devoted to the way hormones affect hair and nails. Hormonal changes that take place in the body such as during pregnancy or while taking certain forms of birth control have been closely examined to reveal how hormonal activity can affect your hair growth cycles.

NUTRITION: Your hair and nails are the last in line to receive proteins, vitamins and minerals from your food. The body is so efficient that it will forego the vanity of your hair to ensure your other vital cells are being fed. Watch your eating habits. It is one thing that your hair receives left-over nutrients from the body, it’s another thing that it receives insufficient or unhealthy left overs.

EXERCISE: This is probably the least utilised and most underrated factor in general wellbeing and hair growth. Exercise increases the flow of oxygen in your blood and promotes circulation. It releases endorphins and also helps to regulate the adrenal glands that are vital for the body’s response to stress.

STRESS: Stress can affect everything I have listed above. Stress constricts blood vessels and has the capability of signalling a single strand of hair to stop growing and it is just a matter of time before that hair is shed from the scalp. You can experience excessive hair shedding from an episode of stress that occurred from 6 weeks up to 4 months ago.


SCALP: How many times has someone parted your hair and lifted the dandruff from the scalp with a comb by way of scratching? I know, a lot of us have done this or had this done to us. The thing is this practice does more harm than good. So what’s the proper way to handle dandruff and prevent it? Also, should you oil your scalp or not? I’ll probably talk more about that in later articles.

WASHING: How should you wash your hair? How often should you wash you hair and with what should you wash your hair?

CONDITIONING: Same questions apply; How? How often and with what?

MOISTURISING (WATER & NATURAL OILS): So you don’t like water because of the shrinkage you experience? But really, we need to spritz our hair with water for moisture on a daily basis and seal that moisture in with an oil based sealant. What do I mean spritz? Lightly spraying the hair with water, not to make it wet, just to dampen it a little. Still confused? Don’t worry I’ll explain this soon!

DETANGLING, STRETCHING AND STYLING: When your hair is tangled and coiled it is impossible to maintain. So how do you keep your hair looking good every single day?

PROTECTIVE STYLING: This is an important factor for maintenance. When talking about protecting the hair I ask questions like what are you protecting the hair from? Why are you protecting the hair? How do you protect the hair? When do you protect the hair?

TRIMMING: And finally, how appropriate, at the end to talk about trimming. Trimming is not as straight forward as a lot of people tend to think. We all have different opinions on whether to trim or not to trim? And if you do trim, how do you trim it? How often? And why or why not trim it?

And there you have it, my big picture for understanding hair growth and maintenance. I hope you’ve enjoyed reading this and I hope you’ve learnt something and that you’ve gotten an idea of what to expect. Now this is just an outline and a work in progress, if you have any suggestions for me, feel free to leave them in the comment box. I would love to read what you have to offer. As always, thanks for reading, until next time, stay blessed!

THE SCIENCE OF HAIR– PART THREE (pH Balance: So Effective and yet So Delicate)

In the previous article, we covered the basics of pH balance. We know that the pH of hair is between 4.5 and 5.5. In this article, I will talk about how we sometimes, unknowingly, take the pH of our hair on a roller coaster ride.

What is the Ideal pH Range For Our Hair?

We already know that the pH range of hair is 4.5 to 5.5. This pH is based on the natural oil we secrete from our scalp (sebum). Hair and skin have the same pH.

What is in Sebum?

This oil on the surface of our skins is a complex mixture of fatty acids, glycerides, wax esters and cholesterols, etc., that we produce internally.

Sebum has the following functions:

  • It reduces water loss from the skin surface
  • It protects the skin from infections by unwanted bacteria and fungi

The Ideal pH range to keep our hair and skin in is between 4.5 – 5.5, this acidic pH helps to close our cuticles, hence holding moisture in our hair. It also wards off unwanted bacteria and fungi on our scalp.


When alkaline solutions are placed on our hair and scalp, the exact opposite happens!


hair relaxers

The cuticle layers are lifted. In the case of hair relaxers or hair dye, it is necessary for the cuticle layer to be open in order to change the protein structure of the hair.

For Afro textured hair, a relaxer with a pH of 11 or higher is usually required to make our hair permanently straightened.

This alkali pH lifts the cuticle layers wide open and also breaks and then reforms some of the disulphide bonds in our hair (disulphide bonds give our hair its shape). This process can be damaging, especially when done incorrectly.

After the hair is disrupted, it is neutralized with a very acidic solution to close the cuticle once again and stop the alkali chemicals from working.


This is a roller coaster ride for our hair. The pH is taken from 4.5 up to 8.0+ and then back again, usually within minutes. Bringing the hair back to its acidic pH doesn’t change the fact that you’ve disturbed the hair in the first place.

The baking Soda and Apple Cider Vinegar Method:

Some people have sworn by the use of baking soda as a natural method for washing our hair because they think it is better than shampoo. Kim Love explains how this is far from the truth using the following scientific facts and NOT OPINION:


1. Baking soda, which has a pH of 8.3 or higher (even when diluted with water), is more alkaline than our hair. Like all alkalis, it takes our hair and scalp in the opposite direction of the ideal pH range.

2. This alkaline nature lifts our cuticle layers and has the potential to temporarily disrupt the bonds of our hair. People who use baking soda to wash their hair often say it gives them a looser curl pattern and softens the the hair. That is what an alkaline does. By disrupting the bonds in our hair, alkalis make the hair more unrestricted and ready for any new reshaping, hence the softness.

3. After rinsing with baking soda, to stop the chemical reaction, an apple cider vinegar rinse is used to bring the hair back to an acidic range. Image

Similar to relaxers, this does not undo the disturbance done to the hair and scalp. Our scalps are naturally acidic to prevent bacteria and fungi from infecting the skin. Lots of dandruff problems and scalp conditions are aggravated and sometimes caused by high alkaline solutions.

Usually, when the apple cider vinegar is introduced, a burning sensation is felt. Even though it burns, the cuticles have opened up and the hair must now it must be neutralized to close the cuticles and re-form those hair bonds. Sound familiar?

In the next and FINAL article, I will explain how pH balancing can be applied and used properly in your hair care regimen.

Source: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5532B6CD987E1D88